Write for this blog

LogicalDOC Blog aims at helping companies and professionals to better understand technologies and useful systems to increase the productivity at work. Are you an expert in a particular subject, software, application, system that helps companies to become more efficient? Then this is the right place to do your part and show off.

What type are you?

We want to satisfy two kind of people with this collaboration:

  • Those who want to get more visibility
  • Those who want to write and earn

If you are part of the first group, you will be able to put a number of links to your site (plus a link in your bio) to get traffic and visibility, in the second case, we will discuss together a compensation for each article.

In both cases, the articles will have to meet the following requirements to be published:

Content requirements

An article must meet the below requirements to be published on the blog:

  • Minimum length is 800 words
  • Content must be unique, never published before
  • Content should not be too general
  • There must be at least 2 reference links to sources, case studies and follow-up materials
  • There may be at most two (different) links to the author’s website
  • It must contain at least 2 high-quality images, one of which will be the cover (1200 x 600 pixels).
  • We do not accept draft to be reviewed, the article must be well written and already reviewed
  • It must include an author’s short bio (registration at Gravatar is recommended)
  • The article should be submitted in .doc or .docx format

Collaborate with us!

Fill out the form below to submit your application. We will be happy to have you among us!

Your full name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your website (optional)

What are you looking for? (required)

Tell us about yourself (required)